Gunthorpe Complex, Lakes and the River Trent
Take a look at this fantastic footage of Gunthorpe River Stretch:
J. Preen Venue Drone Footage
Dollar Lake at Gunthorpe Gravel Pits... This lake is a carp anglers dream some 28 acres of gravel pit that has everything a carp could possibly want masses of water under water bars deep areas shallow areas overhanging trees islands, weed you name it.The fish in hear go very big The Carp/Tench/Bream/Zander and Pike are quality. The methods are as you would expect really, a marker rod is an essential bit of kit here. Bait boats will be allowed BUT will be monitored and if abused the owner of the boat will be banned not the boat. Be warned! This is a trial period as Ashfield rules do not allow them normally but under the circumstances we feel we can give it a test period. The pegs around the lake are not as many as you would expect taking the size of the lake in to account. |
The Bailiffs |
Wayne Prince - Lead) |
Colin Taylor |
Adam Sharpe - Lead |
Ian Watson |
Matthew Freeman |
Interactive Google Map of the location |

Strictly no cutting trees or reeds at any time this is a wildlife reserve and this will be done by the bailiffs after prior consultation with the committee and Severn Trent Water. The complex is huge and it will take time to sort out. As you approach the lake the track to the right goes around to the river Trent section and at the far corner splits into two ALL VEHICLES must NOT take the LEFT track this is foot traffic only as it is not safe for vehicle and members doing so risk being banned from the club.
We do not allow fires at any time only for care taking purposes again after being discussed by the committee. BE WARNED! Members are permitted to fish FP, Duffers, Tench lake and Dollar lakes only as well as the whole of the river section of the river Trent.
Kingfisher Lake is for our affiliated Kingfisher Angling Club members only and not to be fished by the standard Ashfield Club membership.
Member also note that at certain times of the year Duffers/FP/Tench Lake does get very very weedy and extreme caution is required when fishing at these times, Members are urged to use use only relevant gear and methods in the respect of fish welfare. Please note also that on all these specimen waters all the relevant big fish gear is required i.e. Unhooking mat,large landing net etc etc and carp care medication is a must.
No fishing over the gravel bar on Dollar.
No boating to areas where you cant cast eg around snags.
Venue Specific Rules |
- New Rule 17/5/15: Tench Lake (Small Lake) is now limited to a maximum of 2 Rods and Keepnets are not allowed.
- Fishing from the high bank in between Duffers lake and FP lake is strictly forbidden on health and safety grounds and members found fishing here will be dealt with by the committee and result in a ban.
- Bait Boats and Rowing type boats are being allowed on a trial basis and proper approved life jackets MUST be worn at ALL TIMES whilst in the water, any one seen on the water without a proper approved life jacket will be banned from the club without question. If this rule abused the use of boats WILL be withdrawn. (So members using boats be warned don't spoil things others)
- Boats users remember to respect other non boat users whilst baiting up or positioning rods, remember not to go further than your own swim. THE USE OF ROWING STYLE BOATS ARE TO BE USED AT THE OWNERS OWN RISK ASHFIELD ANGLING CLUB ACCEPTS NO RESPONSIBILITY WHAT SO EVER IN THE USE OF ROWING STYLE BOATS.
- Please remember the 2 rod Rule on the river and Rod spacing rule on both lakes and river, Rods not to be more than 3 metres apart at the butt from the outside Rods.
- Kingfisher Lake is for our affiliated Kingfisher Angling Club members only and not to be fished by the standard Ashfield Club membership.
Directions |
Access to the gravel pits is from the entrance gate situated off the A6097 only( Ashfield Key). Follow the cinder track around the estate slowly (10mph speed restriction applies), Kingfisher is the first lake you come to, FP is the 2nd and when you reach the left hand bend in the track Duffers is the lake you drive alongside heading towards Dollar, which is at the end of the track. The Tench lake is left at Dollar then right to the east side of Dollar. The River Trent section can be accessed via both sides of the Dollar lake on foot only - Park clear of the Bridle Path - No vehicles are to be driven along the river. |
Some images of the Venue |
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by: Jack Kyte
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by: Johnbothamley
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by: Johnbothamley
This Photo was submitted
by: Johnbothamley
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by: Logan Dawber
This Photo was submitted
by: Logan Dawber