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Reporting Illegal Fishing to the Police

Situations when the police should be called - Non Member fishing our water, fishing from a boat on our non-tidal waters or lakes, anyone removing fish from our waters.

1. Never ever compromise your own safety, DO NOT attempt a citizens arrest - leave it to the authorities.
2. Report the incident via 999 State that this is an OFFENCE IS IN PROGRESS as Fishing without permission (including attempts) is a ‘theft of fishing rights’ Schedule 1, section 32 Theft Act 1968... Yes it is a 999 as its a crime in progress!
3. Insist on receiving a CRIME NUMBER and a CALLBACK and that this is a MUST ATTEND incident

If you are reporting this after the event call 101.

Reporting Incidents to the EA.

Situations when the EA should be called - out of Season River Fishing or Fishing without a rod licence or If you come across a fixed line.

1. Never ever compromise your own safety, DO NOT attempt a citizens arrest - leave it to the authorities.
2. Call the EA on 0800 80 70 60 with location details and numbers fishing/ description and ask for an EA Incident number.

If you come across a fixed line, do not remove it - call the EA who will deal with the incident.

ALWAYS Inform the Chairman

Send the crime number or EA incident number to the Club Chairman.
For Reference Club fishing rules can be found here.

Report it!!! The Police and EA performance is being monitored.

The Police and EA are being closely monitored, so please report it - you are protecting our fish and waters. The Angling Trust are monitoring ALL reported incidents and checking that they are being properly investigated, so please ensure that you report it.

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